Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Latest Food Gurus

How could I have gotten to this place in my food-driven life without having come across the writings of Robert Farrar Capon? Well, all I can say is I am glad he finally found me! This book, "The Supper of the Lamb" was first published in 1969, right about the time I was beginning my own self-directed culinary journey. Oh, I wish I had found this book then! Father Capon (he's an Episcopal priest) speaks as if from my very soul - making connections between food and drink and cooking and life and the divine and life as we know it. His meditation on an onion is a thing of beauty to behold. He writes with such wisdom and wit...I am humbled and verified at once.

I have my friend B.G. to thank for introducing me to Father Capon. I am in particular state of grace at this moment to be living in the presence of this beautiful, natural cook and hostess, music lover, supporter of artists and most especially a READER. Her house is filled with wonderful books, among which not the least are her collection of cookbooks. She is delightlfully engaged with these books and it makes her happy to talk about and refer to a particular author, recipe or passage. She pulled Father Capon off the shelf and handed him to me, saying - "You need to read this. He is so wise." She is right! B. G. is particularly known for her bread baking. This morning we had toast from a beautiful braided loaf. As she set the bread on the bread board, she said to me "This is a particularly supple dough that just cries out to be braided." I thought that was a charming turn of phrase.

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